Humaneed Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time

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Media Release : Medicare



Humaneed would like to applaud the collaboration of the Australian General Practice Network and the Federal Government for the latest initiative in relation to Mental Health announced in The Age :14th August 2007. To full article


By increasing GP's awareness for possible referral to Social Worker's, as well and to Psychologists, clients will now have more resources on offer.


Clients will experience reduced waiting times for appointments as Psychologist's, by their own admission, are currently inundated having significant waiting lists. 


Social Workers, described as the cheaper alternative for Medicare rebates, are highly qualified having concluded a four year degree. Psychology, until fairly recently was a three year degree.


When looking for a counsellor we always encourage clients to seek a specialist counsellor for the issues they want to resolve.

Our article on 'How the choose a counsellor' may help.  







How to talk to your partner about counselling.