Humaneed Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time

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7 Rules for Couples to Love & Live by...

A basic human need is to love and to be loved by another. 


Consistently across many social index's the research has found that we are more productive, are healthier and more likely to have our finances in good shape when we are in a healthy, loving and committed marriage or relationship.


But where is the magic "Book of Marriage and Relationship Rules" to achieve this... and who is the author?


If such a book existed it may be best written by people who are in a committed and loving marriage or relationship. And like all rules of any sort, they have come-into-being because of things not working as expected.



Here are proven 7 rules that work:-


Rule # 1.


Ensure that your partner feels like they matter to you, in everything you do or say. Use this as a filter and simply ask yourself, if I do this or not or say that or not, will it make my partner feel like they matter to me, yes or no?

Rule # 2.


A fail safe rule is to always maintain respect and care, respect and care, respect and care. No harm is done in any conflict or difficult encounter when both people maintain good old fashioned respect and care towards the other and themselves.

Rule # 3. 


It's a good idea to talk with your partner about their expectations, assumptions and beliefs about marriage. Couples may start their marriage with similar beliefs and assumptions however, with the passage of time, maturity and changing circumstances, these once shared beliefs can become quite different and sometimes opposing.

Rule # 4. 


Integrity in the relationship is critical because you cannot have closeness without it. Authentic, close and loving relationships only exist with genuine honesty between two people.

Rule # 5.


Don't try to make your partner to be the same as yourself. Value, support and appreciate differences. You have to develop a way of interacting where the differences add to your relationship rather than detract.

Rule # 6. 


If it’s possible, try to resolve problems as they occur. This is achieved through talking and listening to each other... in a skillful and respectful manner. 

 Rule # 7.


Communication.  Not much good happens without effective communication. This is a skill to be developed both in how to talk as well as to listen and to understand. Seems simple, yet it can take a lifetime to perfect.



