Humaneed Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time Improving life on the planet - one relationship at a time

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 Our Approach

We live our vision through our own relationships;

We understand that your relationship is extremely important to you, therefore, we apply all of our abilities to ensure that your relationship receives the best care and assistance;

We believe every relationship is unique. To this extent we acknowledge that every couple we work with teaches us something new about the nature of relationships. This approach to knowledge development increases our skills and abilities which adds to our effectiveness with all couples we assist;

We deliver transferable learning so the people we assist acquire skills and knowledge necessary to sustain a healthy and loving relationship;

Our Counsellors are pursuing their chosen interest and area of expertise as "Relationship Counsellors." Each Counsellor is deeply committed and a motivated professional who "will go that extra mile" to ensure that your relationship receives the highest quality of counselling.



What makes a successful long term Relationship?